Thursday, April 28, 2022

ultime carnet de poche sans l'impression d'être un second porte feuille

 Achetez-le si : vous êtes intéressé par un carnet de cette taille pour prendre des notes d'une seule main, pour le mettre dans une grande poche ou un petit sac à main. Pour ranger des reçus ou des cartes de visite dans la couverture, et vous êtes prêt à dépenser de l'argent pour un papier de qualité. L'ultime carnet de poche sans l'impression d'être un second portefeuille et porte monnaie.

C'est pour cela qu'il est génial : le cahier  a un papier blanc brillant avec une finition mate classique, parfait pour ceux qui aiment écrire dans des cahiers plus agréables au toucher. 

La reliure spirale et le papier plus épais (70 les ou 105 g/m2 - le plus épais des carnets que nous avons testés) font que tourner les pages est beaucoup moins gênant que les autres carnets que nous avons testés. La couverture en papier empêche la double spirale de se coincer dans votre poche ou votre sac. La poche arrière, ouverte sur un côté, peut être utilisée comme un endroit pratique pour ranger de petits objets jusqu'à votre retour au bureau.

Pourquoi il est génial Le carnet de notes de poche Champs Notes n'est pas le carnet de poche le moins cher du marché.

Même avec le stylo le plus mouillé et le plus salissant que nous avons testé dans notre guide des stylos (Notenheft A4), il était difficile de faire des taches ou des trous dans ce carnet. Comme d'autres carnets de terrain, ce carnet a une allure décalé et charmant qui vous donne l'impression de partir à l'aventure, même si vous ne faites que prendre des notes à votre bureau.

Contre, mais pas un casse-tête : à la page, ce carnet est le plus cher de ceux que nous recommandons (11 centimes par page contre une moyenne de 7 centimes par page ; le carnet Leuchtturm1917 Reporter coûte 8 centimes par page). Si vous êtes un vrai journaliste d'information qui enchaîne les interviews et vérifie toutes ses notes quotidiennes avant la date limite, nous ne pensons pas qu'il soit utile de payer aussi cher pour un carnet de terrain. Conservez ce cahier pour y placer d'autres notes précieuses auxquelles vous pourriez revenir plus tard.

La couverture en papier la plus luxueuse et la plus lisse qui soit

La couverture est faite de carton fin, qui n'est pas aussi résistant que d'autres carnets et est plus susceptible de se plier ou de se déchirer. De plus, le carnet est un peu plus souple si vous le tenez d'une main et écrivez de l'autre. Enfin, la poche arrière partiellement fermée peut donner l'impression d'être entièrement fermée et sécurisée, mais des cartes ou des notes peuvent en tomber si elle est placée dans un certain angle.

Choisissez-le si : vous voulez une forme plus polyvalente qu'un porte-documents, mais dans un format professionnel et adulte. Le venger Vers est plus un système qu'un carnet de notes, et le kit d'échantillons Le venger, qui comprend des accessoires et de la papeterie junior, inclut une carte-cadeau de 40 $ afin que vous puissiez personnaliser davantage le carnet de notes après l'avoir essayé.

Meilleur moyen disponible à grande échelle pour vous offrir une meilleure expérience d'écriture.

Voici pourquoi il est si génial : le cahier avec plateau vous permet non seulement de déplacer des pages vers une autre section, mais aussi d'ajouter des pages de tailles différentes et des accessoires. Vous pouvez donc ajouter des intercalaires, des pages étroites pour les listes de tâches, des cartes de poche ou de petits accessoires, etc. J'ai utilisé plusieurs carnets de notes différents au fil des ans, notamment le système Arc de Stables et le système Arc de Martha Steward, et je trouve que Vers est le papier qui fonctionne le mieux pour la réorganisation. Il est parfait pour prendre des notes sur divers projets et les regrouper dans des sections distinctes. Le venger propose également le plus grand choix d'accessoires et d'options de configuration pour les carnets Vers, des couvertures en cuir aux boucliers (dans plus de dix couleurs) et aux tampons (pour tous les types de papier des carnets Vers). Les remplissages de page sont disponibles dans tous les types d'impression et dans des formats spéciaux tels que les calendriers.

Les inconvénients, cependant, ne deviennent pas négligeables : le prix des recharges de papier est élevé et comparable à celui du Fiel Notes. Attendez-vous à payer environ 9,5 cents par page en format junior et 11,5 cents par page en format lettre. Un classeur à feuilles libres deviendrait certainement moins cher, mais la qualité d'écriture paraitrait moins bonne.

Carnet le plus performant qui se glisse réellement dans une poche ou un sac.

Les couvertures translucides du jeu d'échantillons ne sont pas (à notre avis) aussi élégantes que celles des couvertures rigides que nous recommandons (et même de nombreuses couvertures en papier). Mais elles contribuent à donner une touche plus personnelle au carnet, puisque ce que vous écrivez sur la première page semblera visible sur la couverture.

Achetez-le si : vous voulez un petit carnet simple que vous pouvez emporter partout, à un prix qui ne vous empêchera pas de prendre des notes.

Peut-être devrions-nous désormais commencer chaque bilan de 2020 en disant à quel point l'année a été mauvaise. Qu'il est impossible de se concentrer sur les points positifs et que tout ce qui pourrait faire l'objet d'un bilan semble un peu inapproprié dans toutes les circonstances. Considérez cela comme une confession après le "mais" habituel. De merveilleuses couvertures de livres réalisées par de merveilleux artistes font leur apparition, puis même si elles ne résolvent pas le problème des pandémies, elles rendent ma journée dans l'appartement plus agréable. Ou, comme Janet Hansen l'a écrit dans sa sélection, "Je dois admettre que je n'étais pas prête à faire des couvertures de livres cette année (!). Mais c'était une bonne occasion de réfléchir au travail que nous faisons et à celui que nous admirons. En tant que concepteurs, nous avons un pouvoir limité pour trouver le bon matériel visuel pour ces histoires étonnantes, ce qui semble à la fois intéressant et difficile dans le climat actuel. J'ai hâte de voir comment la conception de la couverture évoluera dans le tourbillon de cette merveilleuse année. Moi aussi.

Plus grande variété d'éditions élégantes que la plupart des fabricants de carnets.

C'est pourquoi, pour la cinquième fois, j'ai demandé à un groupe de concepteurs professionnels de couvertures de livres (29 cette année) quelles étaient leurs couvertures préférées de l'année. Ils m'ont dit qu'ils étaient fascinés, ravis et inspirés par les 89 couvertures de livres différentes créées par 54 designers de 44 éditeurs différents. Je vous présente ci-dessous leurs choix et ce qu'ils avaient à dire sur chaque couverture, sans ordre particulier.

J'ai également recueilli quelques statistiques et quelques notes sur le processus : il n'y a qu'un seul ensemble de "livres" sur la liste, et il appartient à deux auteurs différents : il s'agit d'une nouvelle édition d'Albert Camus de David Pearson. Pour éviter une éventuelle distorsion des résultats, j'ai compté les trois livres comme un seul. Dans la mesure du possible, j'ai suivi la manière dont les éditeurs et les marques sont identifiés dans chaque livre par exemple, FIG, FSG Originale, MCD et MCD x FSG sont comptés séparément, même s'ils sont clairement liés.

Si vous aimez les statistiques, lisez la suite. Si vous voulez juste voir les belles couvertures de livres, vous pouvez faire défiler la page. Il y en a pour tous les goûts.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Use this checklist to find a quality notebook to take notes and sketches.

 In the digital age, ideas are unfortunately lost when everyone is taking notes on their laptops. On the other hand, keeping thoughts and notes in an analog format will keep your mind fresh. While it may be more convenient to carry around a tablet or laptop, a high-quality, lightweight laptop will increase your productivity.

If you're reading this, you've probably spent a lot of time using sketchbooks and writing to find the right sketchbook. 

For those who like to use their notebooks over and over again, especially students, the Rocket Book reusable sketchbook is a great option. It has a special paper for writing with a pen or marker, and with the Rocketbook app, you can upload your notes to cloud services like Google Drive, Evernote, Natacha and Dropbox.

As a designer, every idea starts with a sketch and then becomes a reality. Whether you're sketching on the go or studying, the right sketchbook will enhance your designs.

Educational and everyday use These sheets are ideal for taking short notes and sketches and come in packs of 100 sheets. They are designed for long-term use or to supplement notebooks and can be used for up to a year. They are available in a variety of colors. A timeline and a size conversion chart are also included, so they can be used by students and professionals alike.

The best for note taking is, of course, the softcover Moleskine Classic Notebook. It's perfect for anyone who is serious about writing, from students to artists. Depending on your needs, you can choose from dotted, cordless, wired or square notebooks. Thanks to the marker strips, you never lose control of what you write. They are also comfortable to use and lightweight, making them ideal for travel.

These ribbed sketchbooks are ideal for dry materials, such as soft pastels and graphite pencils. Designed for practice and technique. Perfect size for small sketches. For its price and performance, it's really worth it.

If you want to keep track of your work in a systematic way (apprendre la musique), this notebook is for you. It has stickers to mark important things and 249 numbered pages. The notebook folds flat, so you can write on it from any angle. Plus, you can use an elastic band to hold your notes in place.

You can take this notebook with you on any occasion so you don't forget ideas that come to mind while you're out and about. It is "multi-purpose" for outdoor use, so it won't get moldy when it rains. Therefore, you can keep your notes and sketches safe. You can use a regular pencil, even if it's wet.

Made of genuine leather, this notebook looks stylish without compromising its top quality. The durable hard cover will protect the pages for a long time. It also features an elastic loop for quick pen retrieval. There's also a small pocket for business cards, notes and receipts, making it perfect for business travel and academic work. In addition, it dries quickly and is stain resistant.

It has a thick, tear-resistant cover that can be used for everything from everyday notes to meeting minutes. It is letterhead and contains 70 sheets of paper, making it very lightweight. Just put it in your backpack and it's ready to use. Thanks to the high quality paper (lancer sans bande dessinée), it can be used with most fountain pens.

Watercolor paper is perfect for giving photos a natural look and creating neutral backgrounds. The surface is ideal for use with acrylics and fountain pens. The notebook comes with a cover to protect it from moisture and dust and can be used again and again when traveling.

Interesting Engineering participates in the Amazon Services LLC Partner Program and other partner programs,(colorear) so some of the products in this article may have links to partners. When you click on a link and buy from an affiliate site, you not only get the commission you need, but you also get to support our site. These are the best notebooks with excellent bindings.

Classic sketchbook with a durable cover. A compact, well-designed notebook that can be slipped into a jacket pocket or suitcase for taking notes on the go. 

Who Should Buy Notebook that has everything we love about Reuchturm, plus it's a convenient size.

Because it's big. It's a small blank notebook, but it has a lot going for it: perforated and numbered pages, an index, a large back pocket, labels on the back and on the cover, a soft closure and, most importantly, quality paper. Ivory paper is resistant to all types of ink, but very few people use pearl paper because of its small size, which is usually used for writing notes on the thumb. It has the dusty feel of Leucht-Turm's 1917 notebooks and the feel of writing with a pen or pencil.

Whether you want to jot down ideas, big or small, or quickly jot down important moments, this notebook is smartly designed. The hard cover allows you to write with one hand, even when a desk is not nearby.

Who Should Buy: Anyone interested in a notebook this size who can take notes with one hand, carry it in a large pocket or small bag, store receipts or business cards in the cover, and is willing to pay for quality paper.

With its large size, TheField Notes Front Page Reporter's small notebook is ideal for those who want to write in a notebook that feels comfortable to the touch, thanks to its white paper with a classic matte finish. Even with the ink pens tested in the Pennsylvania guide (Uni-ball Vision Elite), this notebook is not prone to smudging or chipping.

Thanks to the spiral binding and thicker paper (70 lb, 105 g/m2, the thickest of all the laptops tested), page-flipping (Notenheft A4) was much less of an issue than with the other laptops tested. The thick, overlapping paper covers prevent the double-ringed spirals from getting stuck or twisted in pockets or bags. A pocket on one side of the back cover lets you store newspaper clippings or other items you might need when you return to the office.

Like all outdoor notebooks, the Reporter has a unique and eye-catching design that will make you feel like you're going on an adventure, even if you're just taking notes at your desk.

There is one downside, but it's not worth complaining about: on a per-page basis, this notebook is the most expensive of all the notebooks we recommend (11 cents per page versus the average 7 cents. The Leucht-Turm 1917 notebook costs 8 cents per page). If you're a real journalist who goes from interview to interview and flips through your notes the night before the deadline, it's not worth paying that much for a notebook like Field Notes. Keep this notebook for important notes that you can come back to later.

The cover of the password notebook is made of thin cardboard, which is not as sturdy as other notebooks, so it is more likely to get bent or crushed. It is also more likely to bend if you hold the notebook in one hand while writing with the other. If the back pocket is partially closed, cards and bills can fall out at an angle, even if you think the pocket is fully closed and secure.

These notebooks are made with high-quality paper and accessories, so they can be stacked and rearranged, making them very versatile.

If you want to keep. For those looking for a more sophisticated and professional notebook format with loose-leaf flexibility, the Levenger Circa is more of a system than a notebook. Both the Levenger junior folder and the letter-size sample set come with a $40 gift card. It comes with a $40 gift card, so you can customize it after you try it.

Why it's good. The disk-bound binders allow you to move pages from one place to another and add pages of different sizes and for different purposes. You can add tabs for dividers, thin pages for to-do lists, pockets for cards or small folders, and much more I've used a number of different notebooks, including the Arc system from Staples and Martha Stewart, but the Circa paper is the easiest to use.

nice notebook that runs down the middle of all the pages.

 Flawed, but not a disaster: Our main criticism of this otherwise nice notebook is the dark horizontal line that runs down the middle of all the pages. Some people might use this line to divide their notes, but we find it cumbersome and unnecessary.

You should also get a cover for this grid notebook because the cardstock looks sturdy, but it's not as strong or thick as other notebook covers. (The notebook comes with a thin plastic cover, but I found it more annoying than useful. ) Transparent, paper and leather covers are available from JetPens.

While most of our testers didn't smudge much with most pens, our clumsy tester found that the paper in this notebook smudged much more with a gel pen than with the others.

With page numbers, index pages, two ribbon markers, and stickers, this notebook has everything you need and feels a bit more specialized than competing notebooks.

If you need a medium-sized notebook with a hardcover to help you organize and record your thoughts and ideas. All the little details, like the tabbed pages and filing tabs, make this password book with tabs a great gift.

Why it's great: The Leuchtturm1917 Hardcover Notebook was the notebook of choice for three of our testers, and they gave several reasons why. First and foremost, the cream-colored paper is exquisite and feels dusty and wrinkled like no other notebook we've tested or used (in a stack of 20+ notebooks, this is the one I would most easily distinguish if blindfolded). The paper works well with pencils, pens, rollerballs, gel pens, and fountain pens, rarely smudges and don't bleed. Most people who have tested it say it is a pleasure to write on.

We love the sturdy cover and generous page count, as well as the many extras this password journal offers: two thick reading strips, labels on the back and title page, page numbers, tabbed pages, and a sturdy back pocket.

Weaknesses that are not a handicap: Because Leuchtturm1917's paper is thin, this notebook has more stains than the other notebooks on this list. However, the ink is not as noticeable as on a Moleskine notebook - perhaps the most popular brand for notebooks of this type and size - and we're willing to overlook this issue, as the Leuchtturm1917 performs equally well in all other areas.

The resolution line is also narrower than the other notebooks we tested: 6 mm versus the typical 7 mm. A difference of only one millimeter doesn't seem like a big problem, but if you have a large font, this might be too narrow for you. On the other hand, it can be an advantage if you need more lines per page.

This simple journal-style grid notebook offers all the basic features and a better writing experience than the popular Moleskine notebooks it mimics.10 on Amazon

Buy it if you're looking for a simple, mid-sized, and inexpensive hardcover notebook without sacrificing quality.

Why it's great: We were pleasantly surprised by this $10 notebook from an unknown brand (these notebooks were first available on Amazon in 2019). We compared it to a similar Moleskine notebook, and the Paper Lined Journal paper was a marked improvement. 

It consists of thicker, glossy pages that reliably hold pens, gel pens, and fountain pens without smudging or fading. Wirecutter maker (and collector of notebooks and pens) Erin Moore noted that Paperage held up well and "looks pretty well bound," adding that the ink colors look good on the paper.

Although Paper is the least expensive hardcover whitelines notebook, it doesn't skimp on extra details, such as a silk ribbon bookmark, a back pocket that also contains a second compartment for books, and labels on the front and back of the notebook (although not as attractive as those on the Leuchtturm1917).

The graph paper notebook I tested had 80 or 90 gsm paper - significantly thicker than typical notebook pages or cheap photocopy paper - but the Paperage paper was even thicker at 100 gsm.

This large general-purpose notebook features a sturdy double ring, high-quality paper, and perforated pages.

Buy this notebook for students, frequent note-takers in meetings, or anyone who needs to quickly flip through the ring binder to find a specific note and write in a relatively large notebook. The perforated pages are a great advantage if you want to use the pages for other purposes or if you regret writing often.

The Marman Mnemosyne N194A Special Memo Notebook is one of my favorite notebooks, especially when writing with a fountain pen. The smooth parchment paper makes gel inks and fountain pens shine, and the edges are clean and wrinkle-free. The paper is thicker, less shiny, and less messy than other similar spiral notebooks, such as the Black n' Red Business notebooks I've been using for a while.

The layout and page arrangement of the grid notebook are also unique: instead of a single line at the top of the N194A, there is a large field for the date and address, and the rest of the page is divided into three sections by dark lines. This design is supposed to increase the transparency of the notebook, but I have mixed feelings about the page numbering. We liked that the pages could be easily removed and that the notebook was well bound.

People who are looking for a lightweight notebook with good quality pen-friendly paper and a large writing area on the pages.

The Apica CD15 does not carry the "Premium" label of other Apica notebooks, but it uses the same premium, ultra-soft paper. The main difference between the password book with tabs and the Apica Premium CD notebook is that the CD15 is light white and has a thinner, softer cover. This allows the cover and pages to be folded, which is very convenient for a notebook of this size.

In our testing, we were able to use paper with good ink flow and no apparent shine. The page layout is slightly different from a normal password journal, with a project number and date at the top of each page and dark blue embossing lines (small lines about 2 inches apart) at the top and bottom. We don't use it often, but it is useful for programmers who, for example, use a lot of stamps when writing code and want to stamp their text in a certain way. Otherwise, the university scale (7.1 mm) is sufficient for most laptops.

The CD15 is sturdy enough to fit in a backpack or pocket and withstand constant carrying and folding. The dot grid notebook come in a variety of colors and don't have many pages, so you can use different notebooks for different projects and store them neatly.

The best paper notebooks for medical students

 Are you looking for the best notebooks for medical students? Read this article to find the best notebooks for medical students. It shows how you can organize medical student notebooks. In this article, you will also find writing utensils for medical students.

A graph paper notebook is more than just a practical tool. It can become a source of pleasure and an object of desire, transforming everyday tasks like note taking, calendar keeping, planning work, brainstorming and doodling into sublime experiences. Replacing a cheap whitelines notebook with a high-quality one costs just a few cents more per page (about $2-5), and we think it's worth it. After talking to experts, studying over 80 notebooks, and writing diligently in 24 side-by-side notebooks for several weeks, we selected several notebooks in different sizes and styles. All offer a significantly better writing experience than traditional notebooks.

It is impossible to define dot grid notebook as a whole, as everyone has different preferences in terms of size, cover material, page numbering, paper texture, etc. Different types of notebooks also have different uses.

For students, notebooks made of paper are the most suitable.

Therefore, we offer large notebooks at prices ranging from $2 to $20. There are soft and rough paper notebooks, hard cover password journal, Moleskine notebooks, spiral notebooks suitable for students, newspaper style notebooks (large and small), cheap pocket notebooks and sturdy elegant pocket notebooks, steno style notebooks for any desk. Spiral and disc notebooks with pages printed on both sides. If you want to learn more about what we pay special attention to and why your favorite product didn't make the list, read how we select and test our products.

It's impossible to find a notebook for everyone, because everyone has different preferences when it comes to size, cover material, number of pages, and the feel of the paper.

In this guide, we will introduce some terms related to paper. Foam means that the ink runs down the edges of the letters instead of being clear. Bleed means that the ink appears on the wrong side of the paper. Overflow means that the ink is visible on the back of the paper or on the next sheet or a password book with tabs. Bleed refers to the texture or feel of the paper surface. In general, paper with a smooth surface is better suited for pencils and paper with a less smooth surface adheres better to charcoal.

The price per page will be given in due course, but we decided (for now) on an average price of 7 cents per page. All papers were firm and wrote well, although thicker paper is not always better. Most of the laptops we tested had 7 mm line spacing (which is about the university standard), with the following exceptions.

How do you organize a notebook in medical school?

The best pens and pencils for the best notebooks. The Uni Balls Jetstream pencil is still the best pencil for many because it is affordable, smooth, dries quickly, and does not disintegrate.

    The Uni Kultuga Pipe Slide is the best mechanical pencil for most because it has a unique pivoting mechanism that sharpens the lead.

    Palomino Forest Choice is the best pencil for writing and schoolwork. It is made of high-quality cedar wood and has passed our writing and erasing tests.

This grid notebook has a sturdy, lightweight cardboard cover and is fun to use.

It is not particularly suited to those who expect the traditional paper to feel known in the average notebook. It is more like the soft pages of the New York Times Sunday magazine than the stiff paper of other newspapers. To use an analogy, it's like a satin sheet and a flannel sheet.

The old-fashioned cover design may look tacky, but the binding will enhance the notebook's durability.

There is also no bookmark tape or page numbering, although there is a small index on the first page. These features are not essential for most people, but if they are important to you, you might consider the 1917 Leuchtturm soft cover.

This minimalist notebook is made of lightly indented paper in cream. Its texture makes it especially suitable for writing, drawing and doodling with pencil or ballpoint pen, but it is also suitable for use with fountain pens.

At the time of publication, the price was $14.

Get it for someone like this A simple, medium-sized notebook that feels good in the hand and to the touch. The rough paper slows writing and allows you to write more carefully, unlike smooth paper, which the pen glides over. the Midori MD or grid notebook creates just the right balance between smoothness and "stiffness". So if you like the feel of a little more friction than the copper or parchment of other notebooks, this might be for you.

The Midori MD notebook is simple, with a subtle cream cover and matte blue pages, and three of our five testers chose it as one of their top three notebooks because of the nice paper tones and the minimalist approach that allows for writing and journaling with as few distractions as possible. They liked it for its beauty. Midori MD is compatible with all inks but is especially well suited for pencil use because of the paper's slightly jagged surface. The white and graphic versions of Midori MD are ideal for doodling and sketching. There is some transparency on the back of the password book with tabs, but this is not a problem.

(Compared to other notebooks of this size, such as Apica's Premium CD, which has more small issues bound in what is called a notebook, there are 16 notebooks instead of the usual 8 or 12, making it more stable and easier to flatten.) Unlike other soft notebooks, this one has a ribbon marker.

Friday, April 15, 2022

Writing down goals can help you achieve them

 Have you ever wanted something so badly that you almost lost it? Maybe you imagined it in detail, worked for hours on it, or told yourself it would happen…? Until you didn't. Until it didn't happen. It's called an event, and it can be used for big things like getting accepted to the college of your dreams or meeting the perfect person you've never met. But it can also be used for small things like a job interview or finding a new apartment.

Yes, it can happen on a subconscious level, but you can also actively manifest what you want, as I write about in my upcoming book, It's Your Destiny: Using Astrology to Achieve Your Best Life.

It's Your Destiny: Using Astrology to Achieve Your Best Life

How to manifest money

Take your checkbook out of the drawer and imagine how you'd feel if you didn't have to worry about your money. Then pick up a pen and write a check to ....., in an amount that makes you feel financially stable.

Choose a date in the future (maybe a few years from now) and write "we'll do it" on it. Put the check-in a box or pocket. You are now trying to reach a financial goal and the universe will support you.

How to show confidence

Take a piece of paper and write on the left three things you like about yourself (e.g., your optimism, your eyelashes, and your ability to walk steadily to the mailbox). On the right side, write three insecurities.

Then draw lines between the columns, think about your strengths, and try to empathize with your insecurities. Repeat this exercise every night or every week to learn to be more gracious and confident.

How to show love

You will need two red or pink candles and sugar. Place the first candle (unlit!) Place it near your heart, say your name out loud, and imagine your energy flowing into the candle. Then holding the second candle, say what romantic qualities you would like to bring into your life (e.g., loyalty, compassion, a good sex life).

Place the candles about two inches apart and tie a candy ribbon between them. Finally, slowly bring the candles closer together, imagining in your mind how the light gets brighter and brighter. If the candles are only a few inches apart, light them and let the flame burn out, seed & spark You can repeat this as often as you like, and you will be sure that true love is waiting for you.

How to open the quarry

Connect with your breath, move your hands and imagine the energy flowing from your head to your fingertips. Then set a timer for four minutes and write down words, phrases, ideas, or symbols that inspire you, whether they are work-related, such as “independence,” or abstract, such as “kangaroo” (go ahead!).

When the time comes, make a list of notes, look for common themes (independence, sustainability, things related to nature), and think about what to do next. Career advice of this nature is for you.

How to show friendship

Open your calendar (real or digital) and set aside time for friendship activities, even if you don't have specific plans yet. Then get together with friends you have now, friends you had when you were close to an epidemic, and friends you had when you were a TikTok member to organize fun sessions, phone calls, or walks around.

If you don't get enough responses, take the opportunity to explore new communities, such as book clubs or BTS fan groups. Over time, you'll meet other people and make a new friend or two, Seed and sparks.

Writing down goals can remind you that what you want to achieve is not just a dream, but something you put your energy into every day, and this can make a big difference.

As pandemics rob us of our ability to maintain structure, stability, and momentum, achieving goals can be harder than ever.

One of the easiest ways to create structure and get back to your goals is to write them down. Techniques like Method 369 can motivate us to achieve what we want. Try using our free 369 journal templates to make this easier.

Writing down goals can help you achieve them.

A study by Dr Gail Matthews found that people who write down their goals are more likely to achieve them than those who just spell them out. The study also found that people who wrote down their goals and sent them to a close friend were more likely to achieve them.

How can you put this knowledge into practice today? Here are some tips on how to manifest your goals by writing them down as affirmations.

Write down what you want and why you want it.

Write down what you want and why you want it. Write it down and apply it. Determine what you want and get it! Author Henrietta Ann Klauser calls this technique "the bottom line".

For example, instead of writing that you want a house with more windows, you could write, "I live in a nice house with large windows so I can enjoy extra light.

By defining why your goals are important to you, you can focus on how your goals work and find creative solutions. If you focus on what you're looking for, you'll likely find many things that fit your needs.

Focus on your emotions

Don't just write down your goals, but describe in detail how you will feel when you achieve them. This will help you make sure your exercises aren't boring or routine.

For example, instead of writing "I am now a successful dancer", try writing the following. I am now a successful dancer. I really enjoy doing what I love!  It's really pleasant to be surrounded by creative people. I feel wanted and fulfilled because I am part of something great.

The more you focus on this feeling, the easier it will be to get excited about your goals and connect with positive emotions. Take a few minutes to write down your feelings and make sure you describe the scenario correctly. If you are enthusiastic, you can do this regularly or often.

3. Repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat

One of the easiest ways to express yourself in writing is to pick a goal and write it down as if it's happening right now. Repeat this phrase 15-20 times and practice it every day.

If you want to be more creative, try this tip from Creative Visualization. Use the power of imagination and create what you want in your life, Shakti Gown. In this book, the author suggests writing your goals in the first, second, and third person. Here's an example. I, Claire, am a successful singer. Claire, you are a successful singer. Claire, you're a successful singer. Repeat this exercise regularly to master it.

Method 369 is a structured way to incorporate affirmations into your daily life. In Method 369, write three affirmations in the morning, six in the afternoon, and nine at bedtime. We've created a free Method 369 template that you can download to make your work even easier.

4. Keeping a structured diary.

A goal journal is a great way to structure your writing goals. There are plenty of these sites on the internet, so choose one that suits your needs. Some will help you identify ten goals you want to achieve in the next ten years and ask you to write them down every day. Include a shortlist of thank-yous to prepare you properly, and a place to write down the goal you are focusing on today. A structured journal is an effective way to give meaning to your life. Use our free 369 journaling templates to get started!

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Ce carnet peut être utilisé pour lecture autonome


Bibliographie - APEC 2013-2014 / 1.

Région : Littérature Cycle 3

1. La situation d'étude

Ce livre doit être considéré comme un manuel d'apprentissage pour accompagner les élèves de troisième dans leur parcours littéraire.

Il constitue la première étape du processus d'apprentissage. Au cycle 3, les élèves sont initiés à la littérature et ce cahier leur permet d'aborder la construction d'une culture et d'une culture littéraire de base.

Ce cahier peut être utilisé pour tous les types de textes, des plus simples aux plus complexes.

Ce cahier peut être utilisé pour toute forme de lecture autonome. Dans tous les cas, il s'agit d'un cahier proposé mais "facultatif", qui ne doit pas être évalué d'apres Saint kisito.

Il n'a pas été évalué et peut être utilisé comme base pour la communication commune.

2. Compétences ciblées

Littérature :

- Lire personnellement au moins un livre par mois.

- Comprendre et mémoriser les titres et les auteurs des textes lus au cours de l'année.

Programme d'études pour l'école primaire (lecture de littérature enfantine)". Les élèves pourraient également être encouragés à le faire.

Les élèves pourraient également être encouragés à tenir un carnet de notes littéraires qu'ils pourraient utiliser librement ......" .

Exécutez le document". Il est important de ne pas forcer les élèves à créer des "fiches de lecture". D'autre part, on pourrait conseiller aux élèves

qui le souhaitent, de tenir un carnet de notes dans lequel ils pourront consigner ce qu'ils ont lu et écrire leurs notes personnelles ......" .

3) Objectifs

  • 1) Se rappeler le titre de l'œuvre lue (en classe ou seul) et le nom de l'auteur.


2) Établir une relation plus étroite avec le livre : créer un espace d'expression personnelle, donner des droits.

2) Établir une relation plus étroite avec le livre : Créer un espace d'expression personnelle, donner le droit de réagir et de critiquer, d'aller au-delà des simples impressions, de s'exprimer librement : Citations, croquis ou dessins disponible sur le siteweb intitulé Cassandra Blog.

Couper et coller, écrire... ;

  1. 3) Développer des "compétences sociales de lecture" : Conseils à d'autres élèves ou échange d'expériences.
  2. 3) Développer des "compétences sociales de lecture" : conseiller ses pairs sur la lecture ou lire ensemble.
  3. 4) Lire des œuvres complètes qui "développent l'amour de la lecture".
  4. 5) La proximité de la littérature contribue à la formation des individus et des citoyens.
  5. Elle ne l'est en aucun cas.
  6. - Une rencontre après chaque lecture
  7. - Des formulaires d'inscription formels (un certain formalisme doit être respecté).
  8. - Correction et notation des travaux scolaires.
  9. 4) Description des outils

Ce sont les feuilles qui seront assemblées lors de la réalisation de l'œuvre. Page de présentation personnelle.

Demandez aux élèves de noter le plus simplement possible les références aux livres qu'ils ont lus et les remarques personnelles qu'ils souhaitent ajouter au carnet de lecture.

Aussi librement que possible. Toutefois, comme le suggère le document de demande pour le troisième cycle de littérature, il convient de rédiger un "rapport méthodologique".

La première page présente la "méthodologie" développée par les élèves. Elle fournit des informations telles que

des informations sur la rédaction d'une bibliographie et sur les réponses possibles et

(techniques pouvant être utilisées). Toutes les formes d'expression sont les bienvenues (écriture, arts visuels, la)


Développements possibles.

  • - Développement de méthodes d'expression (passage à d'autres formes d'écriture, par exemple jeux d'écriture, poèmes ......) .
  • Une fois que les élèves ont acquis les principes d'enregistrement de leurs lectures.
  • - Organiser des cercles de lecture, c'est-à-dire rencontrer les élèves en petits groupes hétérogènes afin qu'ils puissent interpréter et comprendre le texte.
  • Organisez des cercles de lecture, c'est-à-dire des réunions avec de petits groupes hétérogènes pour leur permettre d'interpréter et de comprendre le texte.
  • - Une variante des cercles de lecture est proposée : les journaux de dialogue, dans lesquels une communication hors ligne peut avoir lieu (l'élève exprime ses impressions directement à un lecteur spécifique (par exemple, l'enseignant)).

(L'élève exprime ses impressions directement à un lecteur spécifique (enseignant, autre élève, etc.) qui y répond.

Il partage ses impressions.

Mon rôle :

Encouragez les élèves à parler des livres qu'ils ont lus, collectivement ou individuellement, en allant au-delà de simples résumés.

Encouragez les individus (pour faire des suggestions) ou les groupes (pour présenter leurs livres préférés).


Prévoyez du temps en classe, tenez un journal de lecture et encouragez les élèves à poursuivre leur travail à la maison.

Grille élaborée avec les élèves

  • Écriture
  • - Résumés
  • - PREUVE
  • Signes
  • - Autres titres
  • - Aimer ou ne pas aimer...
  • ---------------------------------
  • Copier
  • - mots
  • - Phrase (première)

Monday, April 11, 2022

livre de coloriage pour enfants

 Si vous recherchez un livre de coloriage amusant avec un avantage éducatif, ces livres de coloriage pour enfants sont idéaux.

Ce livre de coloriage pour enfants contient plus de 97 superbes photos, images et illustrations que votre enfant pourra colorier avec soin. Le livre de coloriage comprend des lettres, des plantes, des animaux et des objets simples du quotidien.

C'est un excellent outil d'apprentissage que vous pouvez donner aux autres.

Ce livre de coloriage est absolument fantastique pour l'apprentissage des enfants. Chaque page est simple et claire, avec des graphiques en gras qui facilitent la visualisation et l'apprentissage en cours de route. Contrairement à d'autres offres similaires, ce livre est simple et sans complication.

Ce livre est idéal pour les enfants qui commencent à dessiner leurs propres images. Il est magnifiquement illustré de divers animaux pour te lancer dans ta lecture quotidienne, d'objets du quotidien et de la vie sauvage. De manière inhabituelle pour un livre de coloriage, les pages s'avèrent très épaisses - il n'y a qu'un seul dessin par page, de sorte que les pages ne se perdent pas. Ce matériau se révèle donc idéal pour écrire des lettres à ses amis et à sa famille et pour colorier tout enfant.

Le livre contient plus de 97 images qui peuvent être utilisées pour explorer l'environnement et une série d'autres concepts éducatifs.

Où que vous soyez et quel que soit le temps que vous passez devant votre fenêtre, il y aura toujours des moments où vous devrez rester à l'intérieur. En tant que mamans, nous savons probablement toutes que des enfants + de l'énergie + un espace intérieur est une équation qui peut signifier le chaos et un malheur inévitable.

Coloriage enfant

C'est pourquoi nous nous sommes associés à l'une de nos marques préférées, coloriage d'enfant et de bébé, pour tester leurs nouveaux vêtements de sport et vous proposer une liste impressionnante de jouets d'intérieur. Et d'activités sportives pour que les enfants restent actifs même pendant les jours les plus sombres.

Ces activités permettent non seulement d'éviter l'ennui (ce qui signifie moins de pleurnicheries), mais aussi de stimuler l'esprit et les muscles, de renforcer le corps et de libérer l'énergie refoulée. C'est un résultat vraiment gratifiant.

Une fois que vous aurez essayé toutes ces bons coloriages pour encourager les enfants à utiliser leur coloriage de manière créative, un simple rouleau de ruban adhésif (comme celui-ci pour les surfaces délicates) sera votre nouveau meilleur ami.

Note de la rédaction 

Dès qu'ils ont sorti le coloriage de ruban adhésif, mes enfants ont commencé à rire et à s'esclaffer - cette activité a tellement bien fonctionné qu'elle fait maintenant partie de leurs trucs pour lutter contre l'ennui.

Jeu du ruban adhésif : utilisez du ruban adhésif pour placer différentes formes, lettres ou chiffres sur le sol. Demandez à l'enfant de se tenir sur son coloriage préféré et donnez-lui des instructions qui le mèneront au but suivant, par exemple, "maison à vendre a Yaoundé", "sautez comme une grenouille jusqu'au Te, courez jusqu'au rectangle. Nous adorons ce jeu pour enfants qui non seulement fait bouger votre enfant, mais l'aide aussi à apprendre les formes, les lettres et le coloriage.

Friday, April 1, 2022

best vacuum cleaner for home

 Any vacuum cleaner can clean wood floors - it's the easiest job you can imagine for a vacuum cleaner. You don't need anything special to remove dirt, hair, grime or anything else from wood, tile or laminate floors. However, some vacuums are a little better than others. To avoid spreading dirt or damaging delicate floors, choose a model that closes the rotating brush roll, has a special soft cloth brush roll, or has no brush roll.

Our favorite vacuum cleaner - for all floor coverings - is the Shark Navigator Lift-Away NV352, an affordable and rugged vacuum that performed very well in our tests at cleaning all surfaces, including bare floors. The brush roll can be opened or closed to keep hard objects like kitty litter or breakfast cereal out of the room while cleaning wood, linoleum, or tile. Even if you only need to clean floors at the moment, if you need to clean carpets, choosing a Shark vacuum is a great way to ensure that the vacuum you buy will be used in the future.

If you don't plan on cleaning carpets (or at least not thick carpets), you can buy a vacuum cleaner that is specifically designed for cleaning bare floors. These are usually vacuum-only models with no brush roll. One vacuum cleaner that we really like is the Miele Classic C1 Pure Suction. Miele vacuum cleaners are known to last for decades, are quieter than almost all other vacuum cleaners, and have excellent filtration performance. The Classic C1 Pure Suction is the most affordable Miele vacuum cleaner you can buy. It has a clean suction head (no brush roll) with soft bristles on the edges so it glides smoothly over bare floors. Thanks to its strong suction power, it works well even on low-pile carpets.

Another effective way to clean bare floors is to use a vacuum cleaner with a soft cloth brush. Instead of slapping and shaking off the dirt like a regular brush, the soft cloth brush roll captures the dirt as it enters the vacuum's entrance from the floor. The design works well on all types of debris, from fine dust to large garden debris such as leaves and mulch. There are several brands that make this type of vacuum attachment, but we have the most experience with Dyson attachments that work well. While the Dyson V8 Fluffy cordless vacuum does a good job (and usually costs less than $500), it's not suitable for carpets because of the special head. If you need a vacuum for bare floors and carpets, consider the Dyson V8 Absolute, which has an attachment for soft fabrics and a separate attachment for hard pile that is ideal for carpets.

You might also consider getting a robot vacuum cleaner. Most robot vacuums are ideal for cleaning bare floors - they're probably better than any human vacuum cleaner because they relentlessly search for dirt in hidden areas that humans usually overlook. To learn more, check out our guide to the best robot vacuums.

What is the best vacuum cleaner for hardwood floors?

Any decent vacuum cleaner will keep your hardwood floors clean. However, keep in mind that cheaper models may take two to three passes and may not pick up the smallest (fine dust) or largest (garden waste) debris. However, there are a few features that can make the job easier. As with any vacuum cleaner, strong suction and good airflow go a long way toward picking up small and large debris quickly.

You also need a vacuum that doesn't require you to constantly use a brush to clean your carpet. For carpets, a stiff-bristled rotary brush is ideal because it stirs the carpet fibers and agitates the hairs and dirt that the vacuum picks up. However, on bare floors, this type of brush can be counterproductive because it will pick up certain types of dirt before the vacuum catches them. In extreme cases, brushes that are too hard can scratch soft stones, tiles or wooden floors.

Many vacuums have a switch for the brush roll, so you can easily turn it off.